Saturday, April 27, 2013

April in Paris

'Why, oh why, do I love Paris?'

I love how the Parisians apologize for the weather when it rains.
I mean how often does it rain in Paris? Lots
is my sense. And they seem so sincere in their apologies.
As if they are personally responsible.
(Actually the weather has been quite good but
a few drops of rain and the apologies start.)

I take no responsibility for the rain in Oregon.
How many Minnesotans took any responsibility or apologized
for all that snow? In April after all. Really!
(My guess is there was lots more complaining
than apologizing for that extra long winter.)

I love Paris for the happy people
who are having so much fun.
All dressed up with somewhere to go.
Laughing all the way...

I love Paris for its beautiful graffiti.

Its great wine.

Playing in the maison martin margiela 6 shop with Alice
who speaks 6 languages.

Standing by the Seine.

I love Paris for Bresse chicken with roasted potatoes
and rockette (arugula) salad for dinner. Yum!

You are here.
(I am here.)



  1. love it!!! enjoy much love to you Katherine

  2. What a fun post! I love seeing gratitude & "I love ... Because" lists. You have such a unique perspective and find joy in places most would not. Thank you for sharing. Quite inspirational. Happy travels!!!
